Wednesday, December 5, 2012

my 7 year old beauty!

My Little Lexy turned 7! Honestly I can't believe it! I think this year of my babies turning 7, 5 and 3 is going to be a hard one! How did they get that old so fast!! For L's birthday we were up in Sacramento at my sister's house celebrating my niece's first birthday so we made a weekend of it! Saturday night we went out to a fun dinner and arcade and the kids had a blast playing all the games! I was able to put my "claw" master skills (thanks to spending most weekends in a bowling alley growing up) to the test and won Lexy 2 stuffed animals at one time... I don't think she has ever been more impressed with her mom! After the arcade we went back to the hotel and checked in. We decided this year we would take Lexy on a shopping spree for her present and it was a huge hit! We walked across the street from our hotel to Old Navy and let her shop till she dropped! After we went back and splashed around in the hot tub! The next morning (her actual b day) we headed back to my sister's house and celebrated with presents, an awesome donut cake, hot cider and games! Once we got home that evening Gramvi and Gpa stopped by with more presents and we had cupcakes and more fun! Spoiled girle :)

I have to say that we are pretty lucky to be parents to this awesome girl! She is a delight! Love you my sweet Lexy Lou!